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Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences


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Perks | Networking | Mentoring

Your degree is just the beginning: With your Bachelor’s or Master's diploma in your hand, you are launching into a promising professional future. We would like to accompany you along your further journey and stay in contact with our graduates.

Stay in touch

The HSHL Alumni Service would be delighted to continue to foster our relationship by staying in touch with you, its graduates, after your studies. That is why we invite you to join Grad Net, the alumni network at the Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences free of charge.

Connect with your former study comrades and help each other climb high on the career ladder. As a member of HSHL Grad Net, you also benefit from numerous alumni services: For example, you can expand your job-relevant skills by attending Career Service workshops or enjoy participating in university sports.

Alumni mentoring gives you the opportunity to pay it forward by passing your experiences and real-life anecdotes on to students and as giving them insights into what professional life is like. Get involved with the alumni mentoring program and allow the next generation of students a "peak behind the scenes" in the working world.

HSHL Grad Net

  • Alumni network featuring exclusive offers

    Your degree is just the beginning: With your Bachelor’s or Master's diploma in your hand, you are launching into a promising professional future. We would like to accompany you along your further journey and stay in contact with our graduates.

    Whether you enter into a Master’s degree program or transition into a professional career, stay near your home town or got out into the big wide world: HSHL alumni can expect many new challenges and exciting experiences for them. We are intrigued to find out how things went for you after you completed your degree and would like to maintain contact. That's why we founded the HSHL Grad Net Alumni network and made it free of charge for all HSHL graduates to join.

  • Interconnectedness

    Who got which job? Who started up a family? Who went abroad? As a member of HSHL Grad Net, you will receive an invitation to our exclusive XING group. This is where you can network with former fellow students, share memories about the times spent together during your studies and retell the big and small events taking place in your life after graduation. Remember to think about your professional network too: Maintaining good connections to old study comrades are as an invaluable resource to your career and open doors to new opportunities.

  • Be best informed

    In its brief history, our University of Applied Sciences has already achieved several milestones, yet still has a lot of groundwork ahead of it. Whether creating new degree curricula, research programs or corporate spin-offs, we still want to tackle many new challenges. In the HSHL Grad Net, we keep you informed about all further developments at your alma mater.

  • Become a member

    Simply fill out the membership form and send it by mail to: alumni@hshl.de

Bonus and benefits

  • Enjoy even greater benefits

    Members in the HSHL Grad Net all benefit from solid services and many perks. The offering is continually evolving.

  • Honing career skills

    Exclusively for members, the HSHL Career Service offers lectures and workshops that provide support in transitioning to a professional career and in proactive career management. We will keep you informed about new dates, topics and sign-up conditions via email.

  • Free-of-charge application portfolio check

    Whether the topic is entry into a professional career or reorientation after the first years of working in a job, HSHL Grad Net members have the opportunity to let us review their application portfolio. Send your application documents, cover letter, CV and any certificates and references you may have along with the job ad, if possible, by email to alumni@hshl.de. Within a week, you should receive comprehensive written feedback and suggestions for optimization. If you live near the campus and would like to return to the University of Applied Sciences every now and then, you are also welcome to arrange a personal advice session.

  • Back@HSHL: Re-uniting is fun!

    At the HSHL Grad Net networking events held on Campus, you will not only be able to meet up with former fellow students in person, but also catch up with former teaching staff and get to know the next generations of students.

  • Exercise for pencil pushers – University sports

    In the everyday work routine, fitness tends to fall to the bottom of the list. Put it back at the top by taking advantage of the university sports offerings. As a member in the HSHL Grad Net alumni network, you can attend the courses free of charge unless all the slots are booked out by students. Please read the overview of the various courses offerings and use the link for online registration.

Alumni mentoring

  • Ushering in the next generation

    Where should the journey take me? The question about job perspectives later on is surely one of the most important question asked in a student’s life. And what could be more helpful in this regard than talking to people who have graduated and have already succeeded in the professional world? We would be delighted to have you as an alumna or alumnus give the next-gen students "a peak behind the scenes" and share information with them about your job routine.

  • Approach us yourself

    Whether a guest lecture on campus, an excursion to your company or a casual get-together after work hours – a variety of formats is conceivable to foster promote relations and networking between alumni and students. Simply approach us if you feel like passing on the experiences you have had. Together, we can develop an appropriate concept. We are looking forward to your ideas and suggestions.

  • Bloggers wanted

    Which branch of industry is most intriguing? Where's the team spirit the most enthusiastic? And is the food in the cafeteria better than in the university dining hall? If you have an exciting story to tell from your job, then share it on our blog and give students the opportunity to get a picture of your day-to-day life at work.

Find your dream job: free of charge and no registration required

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Whether an internship, term paper or diploma thesis, sideline job or permanent employment – visit the job portal to find the latest job ads for students and alumni.

find out more

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